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Assistir A House in Your Neighborhood Online

Filme A House in Your Neighborhood completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

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Reeling after her grandmother succumbs to a long battle with cancer, 22-year-old Bailey Wallace has her life thrown into even more disarray when she begins to suspect that the home she shared with her grandmother may be haunted by a ghost lurking deep in the basement. Left alone in the house when her parents go out of town, Bailey notices the ghostly activity increase, and finds herself being haunted not only by the house, but by fragments of her childhood that stab at her in quick bursts, slowly reminding her of a terrible event that happened in the basement, something that she’s blocked out for years: the death of her older sister, at the hands of a man Bailey barely remembers, her own grandfather. As the haunting and her own mind start to spiral out of control, Bailey must face what her grandfather did, and also realize that her grandfather’s ghost may have returned to the house with the intention of finishing some horrible business that he started many years ago.

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