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Assistir A Dupla Face no Escuro Online

Filme A Dupla Face no Escuro completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir A Dupla Face no Escuro Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Riccardo Freda | 1969

Ficha técnica


Shortly after wealthy industrialist John Alexander (Klaus Kinski) discovers that his wife Helen (Margaret Lee) is leading a double life with a lesbian lover, she is killed when jealous hands place a bomb in her Jaguar. After the funeral, John’s thoughts are invaded by the appearance of an attractive blonde stranger who breaks into his house, shower and bed, enticing him deeper into a web of mystery and deception involving an LSD party in Soho, blackmail, and a lesbian porno film featuring a veiled woman who may or may not be the dead Helen…

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