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Assistir A Chance in the World Online

Filme A Chance in the World completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir A Chance in the World Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Mark Vadik | 2017

Ficha técnica


A Chance in the World is the unbelievably true story of STEVE Pemberton, a wounded and broken boy destined to become a man of resilience and vision. From the day he is five-years-old and dropped off at his foster home of the next eleven years, Steve is mentally and physically tortured by BETTY (his foster mother), WILLIE (her husband) and his foster siblings. Desperate for a sense of family and belonging, Steve searches for his biological parents, but no one in the system can help him. No one can tell him why, with obvious African-American features, he has the last name of Klakowicz

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