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Assistir 666 – At Calling Death Online

Filme 666 – At Calling Death completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir 666 – At Calling Death Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Matt Vain | 1993

Ficha técnica


In different times and spaces, genres like Death Metal are born. The early 90′s were still full of the 80′s vibe of over-consumption & greed, which found it’s way into everyday life, even into the music that was created. Just like hardcore in the early 80′s, not all of the teenagers of this decade wanted to hear the bubblegum pop that had invaded the airwaves. Death Metal did not want to be digested by the masses, and as a sub culture it was totally happy being the outsider. I’m not sure what was in the water in Florida during the late 80′s, because those kids were on some next shit, and they helped push the genre to other heights. When you are living in a certain period of time, you do realize that the life you are living could become historic to others in the future.

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