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Assistir Keith Richards – Live at the Hollywood Palladium Online

Filme Keith Richards – Live at the Hollywood Palladium completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir Keith Richards - Live at the Hollywood Palladium Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | | 1988

Ficha técnica


Live at the Hollywood Palladium, December 15, 1988 is a live album by Keith Richards and was released on 10 December 1991, in the United States and 24 February 1992, in the United Kingdom. Recorded during the brief American tour, the only leg of the shows, in support of Talk Is Cheap in late 1988, Richards is supported by a set of musicians and friends dubbed “The X-Pensive Winos”. The Winos included Richards, Waddy Wachtel, Steve Jordan, Charley Drayton, Ivan Neville, and Sarah Dash. Longtime Rolling Stones contributor Bobby Keys also plays saxophone.

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