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Assistir The Mitchell Tapes Online

Filme The Mitchell Tapes completo em Full HD, Dublado, Legendado

Assistir The Mitchell Tapes Online Grátis Dublado Legendado (Full HD, 720p, 1080p) | Thomas S. Nicol | 2010

Ficha técnica


This found footage horror film is the aftermath of a paranormal investigation gone wrong. The concept of their new reality TV series “The Ghost Kids”, was to get together a group of teenagers who were more sensitive to paranormal, and then have them investigate the most haunted locations in the country. For the pilot episode they go to Clay County West Virginia, where legend tells that local man Sam Mitchell abducted and killed a suspected 30 children in his house, before being found out and lynched by the townspeople. Gathered around a campfire, “The Ghost Kids” hear the story of Sam Mitchell from their producers for the first time, and are then locked into the house overnight. With paranormal equipment and cameras running, “The Ghost Kids” are ready to find out if the spirit of Sam Mitchell still resides there.

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